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A Wrestling Christmas Miracle

A Wrestling Christmas Miracle

  An 11-year old phenom wrestler with an undefeated record, Kace Gabriel gives up the sport to write/direct a movie. He believes that if the film makes his best friend, Charlie, laugh on Christmas Day it will awake the boy from a coma. Kace's dad, Ajax Gabriel, an Olympian wrestler with a mysterious side career, supports his son's wish, cautioning that the friend may never come out of his slumber. A week before Christmas, the movie is produced - with Ajax and a zany cast of characters starring in it - ready to make all laugh. Ajax departs to Africa, where he headlines The Christmas Coup in the Congo, a wrestling tournament that has him scheduled to return on Christmas, just in time for the movie presentation to Charlie. Instead of all going as planned, however, the sole hard drive containing the movie is stolen by disgruntled, bumbling actors. And The Christmas Coup in the Congo turns out to be a real coup with the overthrow of the country's communist dictator - and with Ajax being right in the center of it all. Kace and his mother, unable to get in touch with Ajax in the Congo, go on a crazy cat and mouse game in trying to retrieve the movie hard drive that is being held for ransom. What ensues is an inspirational, funny thrill ride, with twist after twist - and a climatic, unexpected ending that could only happen on Christmas.   译文(3): Kace Gabriel是一名11岁的天才摔跤手,有着不败的记录,他放弃了这项运动,转而编剧/导演了一部电影。他相信,如果这部电影能让他最好的朋友查理在圣诞节开怀大笑,就会把这个昏迷的男孩从昏迷中唤醒。Kace的父亲Ajax Gabriel是一名奥运摔跤手,有着神秘的副业,他支持儿子的愿望,并警告说这位朋友可能永远不会从睡梦中醒来。圣诞节前一周,这部电影制作完成,阿贾克斯和一群滑稽的角色主演,准备让所有人开怀大笑。阿贾克斯前往非洲,在那里他登上了《刚果圣诞政变》的头条,这是一场摔跤比赛,他计划在圣诞节回来,正好赶上向查理介绍电影。然而,这部电影的唯一硬盘并没有按计划进行,而是被心怀不满、笨手笨脚的演员偷走了。刚果的圣诞政变是一场真正的政变,推翻了该国的共产主义独裁者,而阿贾克斯正处于这一切的中心。Kace和他的母亲无法与刚果的Ajax取得联系,他们进行了一场疯狂的猫捉老鼠游戏,试图取回被勒索赎金的电影硬盘。随之而来的是一场鼓舞人心、有趣的惊险之旅,一个又一个转折——以及一个只有在圣诞节才能发生的气候、意想不到的结局。


2023-06-10 13:29:05,最后更新于 1年前


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 电影《A Wrestling Christmas Miracle》的剧情详细介绍

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◎影片名称:A Wrestling Christmas Miracle




◎影片时长:90 分钟


◎影片主演:托德·布里吉斯 Buddy 吉尔伯特·戈特弗雷德 马丁·科夫 苏子·洛林 朱丽·麦库拉芙 Scott 吉米·沃克 迈克尔·温斯洛 




◎更新时间:2023-06-10 13:29:05


  An 11-year old phenom wrestler with an undefeated record, Kace Gabriel gives up the sport to write/direct a movie. He believes that if the film makes his best friend, Charlie, laugh on Christmas Day it will awake the boy from a coma. Kace's dad, Ajax Gabriel, an Olympian wrestler with a mysterious side career, supports his son's wish, cautioning that the friend may never come out of his slumber. A week before Christmas, the movie is produced - with Ajax and a zany cast of characters starring in it - ready to make all laugh. Ajax departs to Africa, where he headlines The Christmas Coup in the Congo, a wrestling tournament that has him scheduled to return on Christmas, just in time for the movie presentation to Charlie. Instead of all going as planned, however, the sole hard drive containing the movie is stolen by disgruntled, bumbling actors. And The Christmas Coup in the Congo turns out to be a real coup with the overthrow of the country's communist dictator - and with Ajax being right in the center of it all. Kace and his mother, unable to get in touch with Ajax in the Congo, go on a crazy cat and mouse game in trying to retrieve the movie hard drive that is being held for ransom. What ensues is an inspirational, funny thrill ride, with twist after twist - and a climatic, unexpected ending that could only happen on Christmas.

  译文(3): Kace Gabriel是一名11岁的天才摔跤手,有着不败的记录,他放弃了这项运动,转而编剧/导演了一部电影。他相信,如果这部电影能让他最好的朋友查理在圣诞节开怀大笑,就会把这个昏迷的男孩从昏迷中唤醒。Kace的父亲Ajax Gabriel是一名奥运摔跤手,有着神秘的副业,他支持儿子的愿望,并警告说这位朋友可能永远不会从睡梦中醒来。圣诞节前一周,这部电影制作完成,阿贾克斯和一群滑稽的角色主演,准备让所有人开怀大笑。阿贾克斯前往非洲,在那里他登上了《刚果圣诞政变》的头条,这是一场摔跤比赛,他计划在圣诞节回来,正好赶上向查理介绍电影。然而,这部电影的唯一硬盘并没有按计划进行,而是被心怀不满、笨手笨脚的演员偷走了。刚果的圣诞政变是一场真正的政变,推翻了该国的共产主义独裁者,而阿贾克斯正处于这一切的中心。Kace和他的母亲无法与刚果的Ajax取得联系,他们进行了一场疯狂的猫捉老鼠游戏,试图取回被勒索赎金的电影硬盘。随之而来的是一场鼓舞人心、有趣的惊险之旅,一个又一个转折——以及一个只有在圣诞节才能发生的气候、意想不到的结局。


  {电影天堂为您整理了电影《A Wrestling Christmas Miracle》的相关资讯,《A Wrestling Christmas Miracle》于美国上映,是一部Buddy 担任编剧,托德·布里吉斯 Buddy 吉尔伯特·戈特弗雷德 马丁·科夫 苏子·洛林 朱丽·麦库拉芙 Scott 吉米·沃克 迈克尔 等演员精彩演绎的美国电影,手机免费观看全集高清未删减完整版电影大全就上电影天堂(www.cnelectromagnet.com),本网站同时也提供《A Wrestling Christmas Miracle》的BT种子、迅雷、磁力链等下载资源。更多相关信息可移步至豆瓣电影、电视猫或剧情网等平台了解。最后温馨提示:在享受影片带给我们的学习和娱乐体验的同时,请不要长时间处于近距离观影状态,这样对视力和眼睛疲劳有负面影响。


