  • 我的观影记录

  In 1970, it seems as if Roland Klick set out to emulate Sergio Leone's "The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly", mixing it with Michelangelo Antonioni's "Zabriskie Point" to create a modern Sauerkraut Western (without horses, but rather a truck and a car). The story stars three characters, Marquard Bohm as the "Kid" (The Good), Siegurd Fitzek as "Mr. Sunshine" (The Bad), and Mario Adorf (can be seen in Dario Argento's "The Bird With The Crystal Plumage" as the reclusive cat eating painter) as "Mr. Dump" (The Ugly) (who again plays a reclusive man who lives in a dump??). The story begins with the Kid, who has just pulled off a heist (with a bullet wound in the arm), and is carrying millions of dollars in a case. Wandering aimlessly through the sunbaked desert, (he finally passes out and is left for dead) until Mr. Dump drives along and finds him and the money. Once back at Mr. Dump's residence (a sort of abandoned junk yard), the Kid warns Mr. Dump, that Mr. Sunshine (who apparently is the ringleader of this heist) will be coming for his money. Thus begins the cat and mouse story, of who will get the case of money. Mr. Dump also has two neighbors, an older (and apparently sexually crazy) woman and her pretty (but feral) daughter (who is obviously sexually curious of the Kid).   The film is set in (what looks to be) a wasteland desert, which could have been a forerunner for films like "A Boy And His Dog" and "Road Warrior". Yet the film maintains a complete Sergio Leone feel to it. You get all the great close ups of the characters sweating in the sun, and the typical double crossing that took place in his westerns. The Kid in this movie also kind of resembles Charles Bronson's character in Leone's other masterpiece "Once Upon A Time In The West". But on the flipside, this film also kind of reminded me of Antonioni's "Zabriskie Point", in the surreal desert filming. Also the use of Kraut Rock band "Can", who's music score, will remind one of Pink Floyd's music score for Antonioni's film. The inspired use of Can, as the music score was a great choice, because though at times it does remind you of Pink Floyd, it also reminds me of Ennio Morricone's music score as well. The Kid's theme song seems to be "Whiskey Man" by Can, and this reminds me of the way you hear that unforgettable Clint Eastwood whistling theme, or the accompanying harmonica for Charles Bronson. Can's score embodies both stylizations perfectly. The film is pretty obscure, and there was very little information, that I could find on it. But it's worth searching out if you have an interest in different cult type movies from the late sixties, or an interest in Can. But the pacing is a little uneasy and the finale was a tad unclimatic (yet somehow downbeat). Though it's a German production, the English dubbing will remind you of the Spaghetti Westerns as well. Cool, but very weird.   译文(3): 1970年,Roland Klick似乎开始效仿Sergio Leone的“;“好的,坏的,丑的”;,将其与米开朗基罗·安东尼奥尼的“;扎布里斯基角;创造一个现代的酸菜西部(没有马,而是一辆卡车和一辆汽车)。故事由三个角色主演,马夸德·博姆饰演;孩子";(The Good),西格德·菲泽克(Siegurd Fitzek)饰演“;Sunshine先生;(The Bad)和马里奥·阿道夫(Mario Adorf)(可以在达里奥·阿根托(Dario Argento)的《有水晶羽毛的鸟》(The Bird With The Crystal Plumage)中看到,他是一位隐居的吃猫画家);Dump先生;(The Ugly)(谁再次扮演一个住在垃圾堆里的隐士??)。故事从Kid开始,他刚刚完成了一次抢劫(手臂上有枪伤),并在一个案件中携带了数百万美元。漫无目的地在被阳光炙烤的沙漠中漫步(他最终昏倒了,等待死亡),直到Dump先生开车过去,找到了他和钱。回到Dump先生的住所(一种废弃的垃圾场)后,孩子警告Dump先生,Sunshine先生(显然是这次抢劫的头目)会来要钱。猫捉老鼠的故事就这样开始了,谁会得到这笔钱。Dump先生还有两个邻居,一个年长的(显然是性疯狂的)女人和她漂亮的(但野蛮的)女儿(她显然对孩子有性好奇)。


2024-05-31 13:59:29,最后更新于 1月前






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◎影片时长:85 分钟



◎影片主演:Arnold 安东尼·道森 Siegurd 马夸德·博姆 马里奥·阿多夫 玛莎·拉本 




◎更新时间:2024-05-31 13:59:29


  In 1970, it seems as if Roland Klick set out to emulate Sergio Leone's "The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly", mixing it with Michelangelo Antonioni's "Zabriskie Point" to create a modern Sauerkraut Western (without horses, but rather a truck and a car). The story stars three characters, Marquard Bohm as the "Kid" (The Good), Siegurd Fitzek as "Mr. Sunshine" (The Bad), and Mario Adorf (can be seen in Dario Argento's "The Bird With The Crystal Plumage" as the reclusive cat eating painter) as "Mr. Dump" (The Ugly) (who again plays a reclusive man who lives in a dump??). The story begins with the Kid, who has just pulled off a heist (with a bullet wound in the arm), and is carrying millions of dollars in a case. Wandering aimlessly through the sunbaked desert, (he finally passes out and is left for dead) until Mr. Dump drives along and finds him and the money. Once back at Mr. Dump's residence (a sort of abandoned junk yard), the Kid warns Mr. Dump, that Mr. Sunshine (who apparently is the ringleader of this heist) will be coming for his money. Thus begins the cat and mouse story, of who will get the case of money. Mr. Dump also has two neighbors, an older (and apparently sexually crazy) woman and her pretty (but feral) daughter (who is obviously sexually curious of the Kid).

  The film is set in (what looks to be) a wasteland desert, which could have been a forerunner for films like "A Boy And His Dog" and "Road Warrior". Yet the film maintains a complete Sergio Leone feel to it. You get all the great close ups of the characters sweating in the sun, and the typical double crossing that took place in his westerns. The Kid in this movie also kind of resembles Charles Bronson's character in Leone's other masterpiece "Once Upon A Time In The West". But on the flipside, this film also kind of reminded me of Antonioni's "Zabriskie Point", in the surreal desert filming. Also the use of Kraut Rock band "Can", who's music score, will remind one of Pink Floyd's music score for Antonioni's film. The inspired use of Can, as the music score was a great choice, because though at times it does remind you of Pink Floyd, it also reminds me of Ennio Morricone's music score as well. The Kid's theme song seems to be "Whiskey Man" by Can, and this reminds me of the way you hear that unforgettable Clint Eastwood whistling theme, or the accompanying harmonica for Charles Bronson. Can's score embodies both stylizations perfectly. The film is pretty obscure, and there was very little information, that I could find on it. But it's worth searching out if you have an interest in different cult type movies from the late sixties, or an interest in Can. But the pacing is a little uneasy and the finale was a tad unclimatic (yet somehow downbeat). Though it's a German production, the English dubbing will remind you of the Spaghetti Westerns as well. Cool, but very weird.

  译文(3): 1970年,Roland Klick似乎开始效仿Sergio Leone的“;“好的,坏的,丑的”;,将其与米开朗基罗·安东尼奥尼的“;扎布里斯基角;创造一个现代的酸菜西部(没有马,而是一辆卡车和一辆汽车)。故事由三个角色主演,马夸德·博姆饰演;孩子";(The Good),西格德·菲泽克(Siegurd Fitzek)饰演“;Sunshine先生;(The Bad)和马里奥·阿道夫(Mario Adorf)(可以在达里奥·阿根托(Dario Argento)的《有水晶羽毛的鸟》(The Bird With The Crystal Plumage)中看到,他是一位隐居的吃猫画家);Dump先生;(The Ugly)(谁再次扮演一个住在垃圾堆里的隐士??)。故事从Kid开始,他刚刚完成了一次抢劫(手臂上有枪伤),并在一个案件中携带了数百万美元。漫无目的地在被阳光炙烤的沙漠中漫步(他最终昏倒了,等待死亡),直到Dump先生开车过去,找到了他和钱。回到Dump先生的住所(一种废弃的垃圾场)后,孩子警告Dump先生,Sunshine先生(显然是这次抢劫的头目)会来要钱。猫捉老鼠的故事就这样开始了,谁会得到这笔钱。Dump先生还有两个邻居,一个年长的(显然是性疯狂的)女人和她漂亮的(但野蛮的)女儿(她显然对孩子有性好奇)。


  {电影天堂为您整理了电影《致命枷锁》的相关资讯,《致命枷锁》于西德上映,是一部由导演罗兰·克利克 导演执导,罗兰·克利克 担任编剧,Arnold 安东尼·道森 Siegurd 马夸德·博姆 马里奥·阿多夫 玛莎·拉本 等演员精彩演绎的西德电影,手机免费观看全集高清未删减完整版电影大全就上电影天堂(www.cnelectromagnet.com),本网站同时也提供《致命枷锁》的BT种子、迅雷、磁力链等下载资源。更多相关信息可移步至豆瓣电影、电视猫或剧情网等平台了解。最后温馨提示:在享受影片带给我们的学习和娱乐体验的同时,请不要长时间处于近距离观影状态,这样对视力和眼睛疲劳有负面影响。


