  • 我的观影记录

  Maurizio Merli and Tomas Milian star in probably the most typical, yet completely enjoyable Italian crime movie by Umberto Lenzi. With a blazing soundtrack by Franco Micalizzi and some exciting camerawork by Federico Zanni, this film is fast-paced and furious although the narrative makes relatively little sense. This reminds me of THE RAIDERS OF ATLANTIS, a film Dardano Sacchetti also penned, which was completely fun and enjoyable although it didn't make any sense whatsoever.   The best scenes in this movie have to be the extended car chases. Milian hijacks an ambulence and kills all the people on board for no reason. When it crashes in a crowded flea market, Milian jumps out of the ambulence and just starts randomly firing his sub-machine gun into the crowd to create enough confusion to get away. Another great scene has a gang of upper-class teenagers led by the baby-faced Stefano Patrizi who get bored of nightclubbing and proceed to rape a girl and beat up her boyfriend in a vacant lot. Patrizi is wholely unsympathetic as he punches the boyfriend in the gut repeatedly and knees him in the face, then making weird gestures with a nearby piece of wood. Merli later pops by their nightclub and smashes Patrizi's face right through a pinball machine and then simultaneously beats the tar out of the six or so members of the gang!   This film comes fast and furious. Good performances all around by a veteran cast (with Arthur Kennedy, Ivan Rassimov, and Luciano Pigozzi along for the ride). It's not the most coherent of Lenzi's works, but it's definitely a genre classic.   imdb comment   译文(3): 毛里齐奥·梅里(Maurizio Merli)和托马斯·米利安(Tomas Milian)在翁贝托·伦齐(Umberto Lenzi)执导的意大利犯罪电影中扮演主角,这可能是最典型的,但也是最令人愉快的。这部电影由佛朗哥·米卡利齐(Franco Micalizzi)执导,配乐精彩,费德里科·赞尼(Federico Zanni)拍摄了一些令人兴奋的摄影作品,节奏快,令人愤怒,尽管叙事相对来说意义不大。这让我想起了达尔达诺·萨切蒂(Dardano Sacchetti)也写过的电影《亚特兰大的掠夺者》(THE RAIDERS of ATLANTIS),这部电影非常有趣和令人愉快,尽管毫无意义。


2024-05-31 14:30:16,最后更新于 1月前




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◎影片别名:致命武器,罗马武装到牙齿,浴血摩天楼,Rome Armed to the Teeth,The Tough Ones




◎影片时长:95 分钟


◎影片编剧:翁贝托·伦齐 达尔达诺·萨凯蒂 

◎影片主演:毛里齐奥·梅里 阿瑟·肯尼迪 Giampiero 艾凡·拉斯莫夫 Biagio 斯蒂法诺·帕特里兹 卢西亚诺·皮格齐 卢西亚诺·卡蒂纳齐 Carlo 卡罗·加第 Claudio Valentino Alessandra Dante Tom 菲利波·德·加拉 玛丽亚·罗莎·阿玛吉 托马斯·米连 奥尔索·马利亚·奎利尼 Guia 朱塞佩·马罗科 Goffredo 扎伊拉·佐克杜 迈克尔·福瑞斯特 卢西亚诺·马蒂诺 Franco Federico Goffredo 




◎更新时间:2024-05-31 14:30:16


  Maurizio Merli and Tomas Milian star in probably the most typical, yet completely enjoyable Italian crime movie by Umberto Lenzi. With a blazing soundtrack by Franco Micalizzi and some exciting camerawork by Federico Zanni, this film is fast-paced and furious although the narrative makes relatively little sense. This reminds me of THE RAIDERS OF ATLANTIS, a film Dardano Sacchetti also penned, which was completely fun and enjoyable although it didn't make any sense whatsoever.

  The best scenes in this movie have to be the extended car chases. Milian hijacks an ambulence and kills all the people on board for no reason. When it crashes in a crowded flea market, Milian jumps out of the ambulence and just starts randomly firing his sub-machine gun into the crowd to create enough confusion to get away. Another great scene has a gang of upper-class teenagers led by the baby-faced Stefano Patrizi who get bored of nightclubbing and proceed to rape a girl and beat up her boyfriend in a vacant lot. Patrizi is wholely unsympathetic as he punches the boyfriend in the gut repeatedly and knees him in the face, then making weird gestures with a nearby piece of wood. Merli later pops by their nightclub and smashes Patrizi's face right through a pinball machine and then simultaneously beats the tar out of the six or so members of the gang!

  This film comes fast and furious. Good performances all around by a veteran cast (with Arthur Kennedy, Ivan Rassimov, and Luciano Pigozzi along for the ride). It's not the most coherent of Lenzi's works, but it's definitely a genre classic.

  imdb comment

  译文(3): 毛里齐奥·梅里(Maurizio Merli)和托马斯·米利安(Tomas Milian)在翁贝托·伦齐(Umberto Lenzi)执导的意大利犯罪电影中扮演主角,这可能是最典型的,但也是最令人愉快的。这部电影由佛朗哥·米卡利齐(Franco Micalizzi)执导,配乐精彩,费德里科·赞尼(Federico Zanni)拍摄了一些令人兴奋的摄影作品,节奏快,令人愤怒,尽管叙事相对来说意义不大。这让我想起了达尔达诺·萨切蒂(Dardano Sacchetti)也写过的电影《亚特兰大的掠夺者》(THE RAIDERS of ATLANTIS),这部电影非常有趣和令人愉快,尽管毫无意义。


  {电影天堂为您整理了电影《罗马武装》的相关资讯,《罗马武装》于意大利上映,是一部由导演翁贝托·伦齐 导演执导,翁贝托·伦齐 达尔达诺·萨凯蒂 担任编剧,毛里齐奥·梅里 阿瑟·肯尼迪 Giampiero 艾凡·拉斯莫夫 Biagio 斯蒂法诺·帕特里兹 卢西亚诺·皮格齐  等演员精彩演绎的意大利电影,手机免费观看全集高清未删减完整版电影大全就上电影天堂(www.cnelectromagnet.com),本网站同时也提供《罗马武装》的BT种子、迅雷、磁力链等下载资源。更多相关信息可移步至豆瓣电影、电视猫或剧情网等平台了解。最后温馨提示:在享受影片带给我们的学习和娱乐体验的同时,请不要长时间处于近距离观影状态,这样对视力和眼睛疲劳有负面影响。


